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Guns in Knoxville

I heard on the radio this morning that 12,000 Knoxvillians have concealed carry permits. I thought it would be higher.

5 Responses to “Guns in Knoxville”

  1. Jane Finch Says:

    What sorts of standards are put on those permits…ie, what does a person need to qualify to get one?

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Well, I have one and it works like this (at least it did in 1996):

    take a firearms safety course which teaches you the rules about where you can(‘t) carry. When you’re legally justified to shoot. And a few other issues. And you have to qualify with a score of 70% at the range (24 shots from 15 yds, 12 from 7 yds, and 12 from 3 yds). Costs $85

    Take the little diploma they give from the above class, go to DMV and get application. Fill it out.

    Take app in person to DMV. They fingerprint you and do a background check on you. In 90 days or less you get your permit. Processing fees = $150.

  3. Drake Says:

    When I got mine last year, I spent an afternoon at the DMV. Clear your calender.

  4. Justin Says:

    Have you noticed how short the time period is re renewing your permit? I think I got mine around 1999 and it expires in early 2004…yet my dl is good for 6 years. I guess they want to make sure us “insane, guns kill lots of children” permit holders submit to more government scrutiny and renewal fees…

  5. the mullet Says:

    sounds like a lot of hassle. in Erie, PA it’s a helluva lot simpler. you go to local sheriff’s office and pick up application. type it up and return to sheriff’s office and pay $20. they take yer picture then and there, and you’re done. they sheriff dept runs backround check and you get your CCW in a week. no other stuff required. kinda wish they forced me to take a CCW class. I believe PA is a ‘will issue’ state.

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