There’s that little thing about the first and fourth amendments
Publicola alerts us to the continued plight of Irwinn Schiff:
An appellate court decided Wednesday to hear First Amendment issues raised by anti-tax author Irwin Schiff, a day before he was scheduled to be in court on contempt charges.
His attorney, Michael Stein, said the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals stayed a District Court order that would have required Schiff to provide the government with the names of people who have bought Schiff’s books since 1999.
The court also will look at whether a federal judge can ban the sale of Schiff’s book, as U.S. District Judge Lloyd George did in June.
This is America. He should be able to publish his book and he should not have to turn over a customer list. The list would merely be added to the IRS’ list of people to needlessly harass err audit.
Sad days.