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The problem with local news

Here in East Tennessee, nothing really ever happens. When it does though, it is huge. So, a lot of our reporter types tend to exaggerate what’s going on or make mountains out of molehills. They got to earn their money somehow. But this is just stupid:

Al Qaeda in Monroe County?

Not only is it stupid but it’s funny.

3 Responses to “The problem with local news”

  1. BSTommy Says:

    I just hope they didn’t harm the Lost Sea. Or the Sweetwater Flea Market.

  2. CJ Says:

    Well… I wish you would watch the story before blindly accepting someone else’s characterization. You can go here: Video to see the story. The only person in the entire story to even suggest terrorism is the park ranger himself. We consistently refer to it as vandalism.

    (Here’s the link in case the html doesn’t work:

  3. Drake Says:

    Well, can we explain the “ape” story in LaFollette? That’s overwrought reporting if I have ever seen it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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