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More of the same

So, a bunch of Democratic Presidential candidates get together and . . . stop me if you’ve heard this one . . . spend all their time bashing Bush. At least that’s the way the news portrays it. Do the Democrats (any of them) actually have a plan, other than raising taxes?

It’s easy to criticize the war, or economic policies, or tax cuts but the Dems have no plans that I know of (except Dean wants to raise taxes).

6 Responses to “More of the same”

  1. kevin Says:

    Yeah, casue God knows that universal helathcare, Clark’s universal service plan, increased spending on port security and airline security, complete change in foreign policy from stupidly muscular to intelligently forceful, and environmental plans that actually, you know, wean us of fosil fules – none of that constitutes an actual plan.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    That’s kinda my point. I’ve never heard media coverage of any of their positions. Only that they oppose Bush and dean wants to raise taxes.

  3. tgirsch Says:

    Then what you’re really bashing is the media coverage, and not the candidates. That’s not how your post came across. In fact, what you say above is not consistent with this:

    It’s easy to criticize the war, or economic policies, or tax cuts but the Dems have no plans that I know of (except Dean wants to raise taxes).

    Just because the media isn’t covering it doesn’t mean that it’s not there. And I’m not even convinced that the media isn’t covering it. Fox News is of course going to focus in on the anti-Bush attacks, because Bush (and his fans) are their cash cow. But has CNN or MSNBC covered any of this? I’m not sure, because I haven’t watched.

    For what it’s worth, I know that NPR has covered the Dems’ plans on health care (most famously, the Gephardt challenge) and homeland security, at a minimum. Probably other issues as well.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    Actually, i’m commenting on both but the Dems more so. But you’ll note that i’m still critical of the dems because they don’t actually have a plan for the economy or the war (just that bush is wrong) and dean wants to raise taxes. even kev’s list above doesn’t address the three issues i raised.

  5. tgirsch Says:

    Here’s a Q&A with John Kerry that NPR did today (audio link). There was plenty of substance beyond just “Bush is bad,” although he did duck the “how to fix the deficit” issue a bit — he didn’t say he would raise taxes, but he didn’t say he would, either. He did, however, say that he thinks Governor Dean’s deficit reduction plan is too aggressive.

  6. tgirsch Says:

    D’oh! Above should read “…but he didn’t say he wouldn’t, either.”

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