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Assault Weapons Ban Update

Shotgun News:

The biggest victory for our foes – and the biggest defeat for gun rights – would be reenactment of the Clinton Gun Ban, which Sen. Feinstein is determined to achieve.

If the ban on “assault weapons” is attached to S. 659 in the Senate, and can’t be stopped in the House, NRA-ILA will kill the bill – I’m told, because “as important as industry protection is, it’s not worth letting the ban continue.” Amen!

Marin Independent Journal:

Schwarzenegger made few policy pronouncements, though he did vow to work with Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., to reauthorize a federal assault weapons ban.

Armed Females of America:

The internet is buzzing with multiple theories of what will or will not happen during election year 2004 when the Clinton “assault weapons” ban is set to sunset and expire.

The Bush White House has publicly stated that they “support” renewal of the ban.

The Republican controlled House [federal] has stated that they will not pass an AW renewal [expansion] out of the House.

Many in the gun owning, civil rights community are feeling rather confident right now that the misguided 1994 legislation will expire.

I do NOT share that confidence. Here is why.

What most seem to have missed during the current debate is that the House did NOT pass an AW Ban BILL in 1994. The STAND-ALONE Assault Weapon Ban bill debated in the House was not enacted into law. So how did we get the ban?

It was attached as an AMENDMENT to that federal beast that gobbles up huge chunks of our money and liberty… the OMNIBUS BILL. In 1994 it was the OMNIBUS CRIME BILL

At first, I thought that there was no way it would be passed into law again. Now, I am not so sure. I hope not but those that oppose this legislation need to start becoming vocal now.

One Response to “Assault Weapons Ban Update”

  1. Mike Spenis Says:

    I’m not too concerned about that happening. The republicans have the majority in the house, which means they control the commitees, and the commitees decide what riders get attached to bills. The only way this can happen is if the republicans allow it.

    However, I do share your overall concern. We might very well lose this one anyway, and it’s not over until it’s over.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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