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So, let me get this straight. Our local news station goes to random streets in the city with a radar gun and clocks drivers’ speeds? Isn’t there like news or something to be reporting?

Hell, if I saw them, I’d gun it just to be a smart ass.

3 Responses to “Huh?”

  1. Brian A. Says:

    Ha! I saw one of those segments last week and almost blogged on it. It was bad enough that they did a story highlighting speeding (one of the culprits they caught was recklessly driving a whopping two miles an hour over the speed limit). But then the reporter, armed with speed gun in hand, started yelling at the passing cars, telling them to slow down. It was outright silly.

  2. Drake Says:

    I have been pinged in one of those last week. I shot the reporter the bird.

  3. mike hollihan Says:

    It’s a national trend/gimmick. They’ve been doing those in school zones in Memphis for a while now. Especially the morning shows. One reporter clocked a speeder in a school zone chatting on a cell phone. They caught up to her and tried to flag her down to talk with her. She kept chatting away and never even noticed them.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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