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All the cool kids are still doing it

I took this political quiz. Tom suggested this other one, which I scored:

Your Personal Self-Government Score is 100%.
Your Economic Self-Government Score is 100%.

I tend to agree that they are extremely biased. Manish claims he’s more libertarian than I but that is ludicrous. The reason is the first quiz has four answers (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree) but the second has yes or no. In the first one, while I may disagree with stuff, I do see exceptions. Hence, I rarely picked strongly. Most answers I gave were agree or disagree and not strongly agree or strongly disagree. I imagine the latter would be weighed more heavily.

For example (though I can’t remember specific questions from the first one and will now make one up), if the question was do you oppose eminent domain, I’d say I agree. I wouldn’t say that I strongly agree because there are legitimately times when it is necessary for the common good. If it said do you oppose eminent domain as it is applied in the country today then I would strongly agree. Also, if it was only two choices (agree or disagree) I’d pick agree.

And I just broke rule #3 about blogging, which is don’t blog drunk. Hope there weren’t any gross spelling errors.

6 Responses to “All the cool kids are still doing it”

  1. Manish Says:

    The thing that I found most annoying about the previously noted quiz was that it didn’t let you answer neutral. You had to agree or disagree to a lot of questions that I was indifferent on.

  2. tgirsch Says:

    There’s a good critique of the latter quiz (the LP’s quiz) here. At the end is a sample quiz, with roughly the same questions, but worded to elicit the opposite response.

  3. tgirsch Says:

    And I agree, blogging drunk is a bad idea. What prompted the drinking?

  4. SayUncle Says:

    Oh, friends coming over for pizza. Nothing important.

  5. AlphaPatriot Says:

    I’m not this liberal!
    Say Uncle took this quiz, so I had to do the same. I knew SU was more Libertarian than I but he didn’t believe me. On the other hand, there is no way that I’m that far left on any chart. Give it a try – it’s one of the shortest quizzes you’ll ever take…

  6. Lean Left Says:

    Political Quiz
    A while back, Say Uncle posted the results of his taking a “political compass” quiz. I complained that the test…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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