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So, now that you’re packing

James has some advice and a product round up of how to carry your concealed weapon. Give it a read.

5 Responses to “So, now that you’re packing”

  1. Drake Says:

    Uncle, on this issue…did you know that some companies make clips that can be mounted on Mini-Glocks that allow the weapon to be securely attached without a holster?

  2. SayUncle Says:

    I’ve seen those. However, i don’t like the idea of having the trigger uncovered. A glock only has a 5 pound trigger pull and, well, mixed nuts are bad.

  3. Drake Says:

    I had the same concerns, but I never shot my dick off.

  4. triticale Says:

    Statisticly, the part of the body most people shoot off is their mouth.

  5. James R. Rummel Says:

    Thank you kindly for the link.

    RE the Glock clip. There’s been revolver grips on the market for at leats a decade that has a built-in clip. You could carry the gun down-the-pants without a holster. This is fine for stainless guns, but I wouldn’t want to wear off the blueing of a gun with a standard finish.


Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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