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Took longer than I thought


Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union Thursday filed a lawsuit over a state specialty license plate that benefits abortion opponents.

The groups say the tag discriminates against people with opposing views.

The Legislature authorized the “Choose Life” plate in the last session, but the Senate tabled an amendment proposal that would have created a “Pro Choice” plate.

The lawsuit was filed against Gov. Bredesen and Safety Commissioner Fred Phillips in their official capacities.

In other news, the state plans to release a Liberals Suck and a Nuke the Gay Whales for Jesus license plates.

3 Responses to “Took longer than I thought”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    The only problem I have with a “Choose Life” plate is where the proceeds go. Because the irony here is that a “Choose Life” plate is inherently pro-choice; as long as they leave the word “Choose” in there, I don’t see a major problem.

    Now if the funds go to anti-abortion lobbyists, that would be Very Bad. Give the funds to adoption agencies or independent counseling centers, again, not much problem.

  2. Buck Hicks Says:

    Wow tqirsch I am in 100% agreement with you on this one. There is nothing I disagee with. Not even a little bit. Wow.

  3. SemiPundit Says:

    I have one for Knox County, considering the way people drive (is that what they call it?) around here: “If You Can Read This, You Are Too Damn Close”.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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