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Turning to the good side

Publicola links to this story of an anti-gun woman who becomes pro-gun:

I’m not sure which is more embarrassing – the ignorance I displayed in my previous attitude, or the speed at which I was convinced how wrong I was by someone I barely knew. Oh, I tried to put up a fight with the person who started all of this, but I found out quickly how truly unarmed I was. I found nothing on the Internet to support my arguments, and everything to support his.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I tried to bluff my way through the debates, but I realized I was doomed when it wasn’t long before all I had left was “well, I’m against guns because, um, because, well, I just am!”

So, eventually I grudgingly admitted hell had indeed frozen over, and I was wrong.

Read the whole thing.

2 Responses to “Turning to the good side”

  1. My Quiet Life Says:
    Say Uncle has a post about a gun control convert that has me thinking about it. I never had a particular stake on either side, but I did read an excellent article in the Brown Journal of World Affairs by…

  2. My Quiet Life Says:

    Society. with GUNS.
    Say Uncle has a post about a gun control convert that has me thinking about it. I once had no particular stake on either side, but I did read an excellent article in the Brown Journal of World Affairs by…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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