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Quote of the Day

Michael Graham:

WHAT CAN PRESIDENT BUSH DO IN BAGHDAD THAT SADDAM HUSSEIN CAN’T? Appear in public. If that doesn’t send a message to the Ba’athists and their would-be allies, I don’t know what does.

Oh, Hillary’s in Afghanistan and I’m sure the troops are loving that.

Via Insty.

6 Responses to “Quote of the Day”

  1. Brian A. Says:

    I guess it was a statement of some sort. But it’s not like Bush gave a public speech in the Baghdad city square.

  2. Manish Says:

    Show his face in public?!? He showed his face in private unannounced and didn’t tell the world until after he was long gone. It’s not like he made a big highly-anticipated public speach. I would argue the opposite..this shows the militants that America has little control over Baghdad when the President of the United States can only visit in absolute secrecy.

  3. tgirsch Says:

    I agree, Manish, but I still have to give some credit. That had to do wonders for troop morale for him to show up there.

  4. Damn Foreigner Says:

    The Trip
    As you’ve probably heard already, President Bush made a surprise visit to some troops in Iraq. All-in-all, I think that it was a positive move on his part. It certainly must have boosted the morale of the troops over there….

  5. Damn Foreigner Says:

    Weekend roundup
    Talkleft tells us that many of the prisoners at Gitmo were kidnapped by Afghan forces and handed over to the U.S. in exchange for reward money. Talkleft has a number of fantastic posts this weekend (more so than normal, so…

  6. Damn Foreigner Says:

    Weekend roundup
    Talkleft tells us that many of the prisoners at Gitmo were kidnapped by Afghan forces and handed over to the U.S. in exchange for reward money. Talkleft has a number of fantastic posts this weekend (more so than normal, so…

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