Reminds me of something a friend once said
Eric opines about Instapundit’s consternation over using the phraseI feel vs. I think. A friend of mine (who briefly wrote for this blog) opined once that:
When someone expresses their view and begins the sentence with I feel, they are likely liberal. And if they begin with I think, they are likely conservative.
Obviously, his observation was anecdotal. There are liberals that think and there are conservatives that feel, much to the chagrin of each other. I realize this is stereotypical but there is a bit of truth to some of it.
December 9th, 2003 at 2:48 pm
So the blog father is ripping off Rush Limbaugh? He needs to get his own material.
December 9th, 2003 at 6:19 pm
I’d agree. Folks who say “I feel that…” are telling you exactly how they react to things. But since “I think that…” is what’s taught (or used to be anyway), that’s the default and not always an indicator. But usually it is.
December 9th, 2003 at 7:44 pm
I checked my front page and I use both. I must be squarely in the middle. 8^)
December 9th, 2003 at 9:56 pm
Self-assured people use either term sparingly. If they believe a thing to be true, they state it as truth.
Moreover, they use “I feel” to describe an emotional reaction to a thing, and “I think” to describe a subjective opinion. Only when nuance is needed do the self-assured provide it.
I think. At least that’s how I feel.
December 10th, 2003 at 7:57 am
puts me in mind of a commint one of my publican friens made. he claimed that the dimcrats dint have a sangle enjineer among em, witch he had dun fergut bout jimmy carter, the nuclear enjineer who becum one of the wurst presdints ever.
we gut to arguin over it till he sed he figgerd all the dimcrats wuz librul arts majurs n all the publicans wuz in the hard sciences. i sent him sum lanks to librul scientist orgs n publican academicks as evidents that twernt as simple as he made it out, but he sed he dnit read websites.
so i reckon he won the argumint, only twernt by usin the scientifick method.
far as i kin tell, ye gut all kinds on both sides of politicull fence, n thar are plenty of folk thats a lil harder to classify. tiz why i read say uncle everday: he leans rite, but he has surprized me minny a time by not bein in lockstep with others on the rite. seems lack hes still a’thankin fer his ownself.