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Dogs and Insurance follow up

Catherine at DogReader has a follow up to the story of Steve Wells, whose insurance company dropped him after seeing he had what may have been a pit bull.

“Steve says that the Virginia State Corporation Commission has written a letter to that insurance company about the situation. The company has written to Steve saying that if his veterinarian will sign a letter stating that the dog is not a Pit Bull or mixed with certain other breeds, they will not cancel his insurance.

A somewhat happy ending. The company still uses breed as a factor and just wants a letter stating the dog is not a pit bull. As readers of this site know, there is no scientific way to determine what breed a particular dog is. For example, here’s a picture of my Chihuahua:

One Response to “Dogs and Insurance follow up”

  1. BSTommy Says:

    Dog in Hat!

    That makes my day.

    If it’s wearing a hat, you can convince me that it’s any breed you want.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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