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Another O’Reilly Moment

Bill O’Reilly claims to be big on facts but he apparently buys the assault weapons ban lie:

I watched Bill O’Reilly on “The O’Reilly Factor” lie to his viewers last night over what the Clinton “Assault Weapons Ban” (AWB) says. Mr. O’Reilly claimed that the public supports the AWB because it “keeps your neighbors from owning bazookas and machineguns in their homes”. But those type weapons have been illegal for almost 3/4 of a century. And the AWB has nothing to do that that. The Clinton AWB only makes guns that “LOOK” like military assault weapons illegal and has had no impact on preventing or reducing crime in the ten years of its existence.

Hell, even supposed conservatives don’t get gun control any more.

One Response to “Another O’Reilly Moment”

  1. Brian A. Says:

    As Mr. Lolli implied, the segment really wasn’t about guns at all. O’Reilly was trying to do a hit piece on Dean (who had got Gore’s endorsement earlier in the day), and used guns merely as an example of Dean “flip flopping.”

    Interestingly, O’Reilly didn’t get around to mentioning any of Bush’s flip flops. I’m sure it was just an oversight.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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