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You take the good, you take the bad

No, not the facts of life, the TN GOP’s agenda:

Among the proposals: allowing concealed weapons permit-holders to take their guns into bars, as long as they don’t drink; mandatory felony charges for methamphetamine users; and government funding for faith-based efforts to treat those drug abusers.

Oh, and a ban on gay marriage and domestic partnerships.

2 Responses to “You take the good, you take the bad”

  1. mike hollihan Says:

    Don’t forget striking a deal with Bredesen, then offering up a lame gubernatorial challenger next time that they won’t support, in exchange for easier passage of some of those things you listed.

  2. Les Jones Says:

    Pretty lame stuff from the GOP (except for changes in the license law).

    Of course, did you notice the reporter’s tagline? “Anita Wadhwani covers diversity issues.” Gee, that doesn’t suggest an agenda right there or anything.

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