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Nope, no connection here

So, Iraq/Al Qaeda ties aren’t new:

ARE AL QAEDA’S links to Saddam Hussein’s Iraq just a fantasy of the Bush administration? Hardly. The Clinton administration also warned the American public about those ties and defended its response to al Qaeda terror by citing an Iraqi connection.

I have contended before that there was an Iraq/Terror connection but never specifically an Al Qaeda connection. Now, it seems there’s evidence of both.

3 Responses to “Nope, no connection here”

  1. Brian A. Says:

    Undoubtedly, with al Qaeda purportedly operating in dozens of countries, there have probably been some bumping around in Iraq. The issue, however, should be whether the purported ties are substantial enough to warrant the use of almost our entire military capability, given the stuff going on in other countries.

  2. tgirsch Says:

    Because I rented a Ryder truck once, and so did Timothy McVeigh. Therefore, McVeigh and I were obviously in cahoots.

  3. Manish Says:

    So Clinton attacks a factory thinking that they are making weapons in Sudan. It is later found out that said factory wasn’t making anything insidious, they were manufacturing baby food (if I’m not mistaken). It is then learned that Iraq had an order (for baby food presumably) from this factory which ultimately isn’t filled. (Again, perhaps because the factory has been you know destroyed)..and this constitutes an AQ-Iraq link. It consititutes bad intelligence plain and simple.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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