Good Article on Pit Bulls
Pretty neat bite statistics in this article that conclude that pit bull bites are common because the breed is popular:
When it comes to perspective, the issue of animal bites can demonstrate just how much interpretation is required. An animal bite can be anything from an insignificant nip by a small dog to a life-threatening injury from the instinct-driven mandibles of a wild animal.
No animal bite reported is higher than that of the pit bull. A total of 17 pit bull bites were recorded in 2003, but this does not necessarily mean that pit bulls are an uncontrollable breed. Pit bulls are a very popular breed, which makes them common. They are also sometimes purchased by owners who want a guard dog and that affects their training and behavior. Labradors are also very popular and not known for biting, yet there were nine bites attributed to this popular breed.
There were only eight more bites by Pit Bulls than Labs this year.
Shih tzus are not terribly common at all in Council Bluffs. Neither are vislas, weimriners or lhasa apsos for that matter. Yet the aggregate number of bites attributed to these dogs was four. If there were as many vislas, weimriners and lhasa apsos in Council Bluffs as there are pit bulls, the city would appear to be under almost constant attack by show dogs
And the interesting stats listed (click more below) show that there were 31 reported cat bites.
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