Libertarian vs. libertarian
So, apparently there’s this Boortz guy, who I had never heard of (I get my news and commentary from the web). He has this radio show and apparently has libertarian leanings. I caught about ten minutes of it this morning and, unfortunately, there was some CourtTV person guest hosting. And by guest hosting, she was name-dropping, taking calls from people she shouldn’t take calls from (some guy advocating the 10 commandments as law), and talking about Michael Jackson. I wasn’t impressed. She made one good point about justice for the wealthy, here’s a clue: there is none.
RTB’s own smijer has created an anti-boortz blog (which I hope is not some sort of Bozeman in the making). Apparently, smijer listed me as an example of “libertarian logic.”
It should be noted that I am not a Libertarian but I do like some aspects of Libertarianism. However, Libertarianism can’t work. Clayton Cramer opined that he watched the TV show Cops just to remind him of why Libertarianism cannot work. You will always have the lowest common denominator ruining it for everyone. Face it, not everyone is nice guy like me.
Libertarianism needs to drop the opposition to all social programs (it’s not practical to oppose public education outright); Libertarians need to stop nominating people who get into shootouts with the police (strangely, they’re not on Cops) or nominating people who die themselves blue from taking magic potions designed to keep the orbital mind control lasers from penetrating their brains; and Libertarians need to adopt a moderate libertarian approach first to get their foot in the door on the political scene. As of now, the weirdos have done the Libertarians in.
This is why I refer to myself as a libertarian with a small L. Libertarianism has some good ideals:
Small government
Personal responsibility
Valuing liberty among all else
All good stuff!
But other things that need work:
Opposing all welfare
Opposing public education
Wanting to ban all taxes
Aligning themselves with some of the whacko militia groups
You have to work on this stuff guys to be taken seriously. Yes, welfare, education, taxes and other things need some major work. But we can’t do without them.