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Bound to happen

In an effort to improve the Pit Bull’s image, someone in New York wants to rename the breed the New Yorkie. I somehow think pit owners around the country will not be inclined to do so.

3 Responses to “Bound to happen”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    I don’t see this ever happening, for practical reasons. The inclination would be to call such a dog a “Yorkie” for short, and that designation is already attached to the Yorkshire Terrier.

  2. Lauren Says:

    I think that it is about time that some one try to help out the breed, but I am not sure if changing the name is the right way to do it.
    The breed needs some positive press, and we as owners need to educate the people who make these wonderful companions out to be so vicious.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    I agree lauren but nice pit bulls don’t sell newspapers. Pit Bull mauls granny does.

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