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Democrats learning lesson?

An article about U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold:

A lot of gun owners are upset about some of the powers that have been given to the federal government,” he said. “We’re going to try to change that.” When asked about the right to bear arms, Feingold acknowledged he originally voted in favor of banning so-called semi-automatic “assault weapons.” But he said he hasn’t sponsored legislation to continue the ban and is now “leaning against” renewing it.

“At these town meetings over the years, I’ve heard a lot of people say there might have been some misinformation about what these weapons – guns – really are,” Feingold said. “There are some semi-automatics that really aren’t assault (weapons).”

A politician (a Democrat even) finally admits that the Assault Weapons Ban is entirely about misinformation. Good for him. Of course, no semi-automatic is inherently an assault weapon. If you’re engaged in an assault with a revolver, it is an assault weapon.

Clinton finally got it too:

And we smile about that, but there are some people who would be on this platform today who lost their seats in 1994 because they voted for the Brady Bill and they voted for the assault weapons ban, and they did it in areas where people could be frightened.

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