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Frank Cagle is sounding kinda libertarian

Frank Cagle writes about Cable News Legislating:

It is hard to argue against allowing federal law enforcement to catch bad guys. That’s why any three sensational crimes committed during a short period of time, resulting in national publicity, results in a new federal law. Call it Cable News Legislating.

What is the federal issue involved in car jacking? Why is this not a matter for local law enforcement? Withholding court-ordered child support is a bad thing. But how does it fit into the federal constitution’s allowance that Congress can regulate interstate commerce?

The issue here is not that crime shouldn’t be pursued and criminals punished. Or child support collected. The issue is why we are continuing to federalize crimes that are matters for local and state police forces. Did you know that wife beating is a federal crime?

Do you prefer that the FBI pursue pimps, or would you prefer they be investigating treason, espionage and potential terrorist plots? There is no way, even with the growth in federal justice budgets, federal police can match local government efforts to combat crime. So we are clogging the federal courts and burdening federal agencies prosecuting crimes because it is the politically popular thing to do.

I really would prefer that federal authorities keep track of illegal aliens rather than checking used car lots for odometer tampering.

And 30 Federal Agencies are authorized to arrest people.

One Response to “Frank Cagle is sounding kinda libertarian”

  1. John Anderson Says:

    Slightly off-topic, but so what –

    I recently found that after a UK review, the number of agencies allowed to read EMail without bothering to notify anyone was “significantly” cut. As noted at among those retaining the power to search EMail for terrorist links is – wait for it – the Egg Advisory Board.

    I guess some terrorists living in the UK might sell eggs for throwing at civilian targets…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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