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Good Question

William Burton asks:

I’ve never understood the blindspot that big parts of the American and European left have for brutal authoritarian societies that treat their women, gays, and ethnic and religious minorities like absolute shit. What’s the appeal? Why do they identify with people who hate them and their lifestyles?

3 Responses to “Good Question”

  1. Les Jones Says:

    It’s odd, isn’t it? I have gay friends who defend radical Islamic governments that would have have them stoned.

  2. Manish Says:

    No entity in the universe is perfect. The Palestinians aren’t perfectly good and Israel isn’t perfectly bad. There are shades of gray.

    Having said that, of course in this instance, Israel is right and the Palestinians are wrong. However, that doesn’t stop the fact that the Palestinians should have their own state and Israel should stop their occupation in accordance with UN Resolution 242, official U.S. policy under Republicans and Democrats.

    Both the Palestinians and Israeli’s are guilty of many side is innocent in all of this.

  3. Carleton Wu Says:

    I hear the same thing from the other side: why is it that (eg Reagan) was so friendly to Saddam (among many other bloody dictators)? Rather than phrasing it as a partisan matter, consider that almost all practical politicians here and abroad compromise some principles to serve others.

    I am practicing realpolitik
    You are compromising your principles
    They are panding and selling out

    I put my ideals into practice
    You don’t understand practical matters
    They are brainless ideologues

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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