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Oh, that liberal media

Attacks on coalition troops in Iraq are down 60% and no one’s talking about it. Well, almost no one.

3 Responses to “Oh, that liberal media”

  1. smijer Says:

    That liberal National Public Radio was talking about it yesterday on my way to work. The “down 60%” figure, though, seemed to be based on fairly small windows: the first weeks of Ramadan versus the last couple of weeks. I don’t know if that’s enough to be a trend worth talking about on every network. They are still getting about twenty attacks per day, which is (in Bremer’s words) twenty too many.

  2. Indigo Says:

    No matter. The Bush administration would be criticized if they found a cure for cancer. The same could have been said of Clinton. It’s truly a puzzlement to me how some Americans not only put up with – but BELIEVE the bias in media.

  3. Brian A. Says:

    I also heard that while the number of attacks are dropping, the number of causalities has not been proportionately falling. Is so, would that really be much of an improvement?

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