First Amendment Zone Round Up
Bush came to Knoxville and there were some protests. These protests were limited to First Amendment Zones. While I’m no fan of Bush, I’m typically less of a fan of these protester types (blood for oil, Bush lied – people died, and all form of other hippie tree-hugging crap) but they still have a right to protest to their heart’s content.
WATE’s coverage.
WBIR’s Coverage.
KNS Coverage
InstaPundit Commentary.
Bill Hobbs unsuccessfully defends First Amendment Zones. Sorry Bill, you’re wrong on this one.
And Bubba says almost everyone is wrong.
And Bubba has pictures from the protest.
Note to self: Self, go to next Bush protest and set up a Second Amendment Zone just to draw the ire of the secret service and the protesters. Muhahaha.