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A sign

When you have to expend 64 pages to explain away one sentence, that may be a sign that you’re reaching a bit.

6 Responses to “A sign”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    Well, technically, the 2nd Amendment isn’t a sentence. At least not a properly constructed one. That’s probably where a lot of the disagreement comes from. 🙂

  2. SayUncle Says:

    No, it’s a properly constructed sentence. Well, at the time it was written it was.

  3. Nikoms Says:

    Yup, Fights’ on. For the first time, one “Federal Judge” has issued a pile of puke comletely contrary to what other Feds have stated. 2A is going to SCOTUS this year, like it or not.

  4. Stormy Dragon Says:

    Given O’Connor’s penchant for Outcomes Based Jurisprudence, I most decidely do not like.

  5. tgirsch Says:


    I’ve seen that link before, actually. But I’m not ready to concede the point because one expert voiced a certain opinion. I’d like to see some consensus on that before passing judgement.

    In the meantime, it doesn’t look like a sentence to me! 🙂

  6. SayUncle Says:

    You also don’t speak english as it was spoken 220 years ago.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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