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Another reason to fire Clark (again)

The Pioneer Press:

As thousands of gun-touting hunters roam Wisconsin in search of deer, Democratic presidential hopeful Wesley Clark said Tuesday he opposes concealed weapons laws like the one recently passed by the Wisconsin Legislature.

The retired four-star general from Little Rock, Ark., said he doesn’t think people need concealed weapons for protection.

“If we need protection, we need other means of protection than concealed weapons,” said Clark, explaining he owned 20 guns and has been shooting since boyhood. “I shot a lot of big guns and a lot of little guns. If you like big guns come into the Army.”

To be honest, General, we gun owners tire of that Army line.

One Response to “Another reason to fire Clark (again)”

  1. Xrlq Says:

    Let Clark be President of all the states that have no CCW or restricted CCW. Oh, wait, I almost forgot that I live in one of those states. Scratch that.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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