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Return on Investment

So, in it’s first week, the Tennessee Lottery takes in $41,300,000 and pays out, by my calculation, $297,000 to big winners. I think once people realize that the big payouts are only 0.719%, interest and participation in the lottery will decrease. Of course, since I don’t have stats on the total dollar payout of small payouts, I could be wrong.

3 Responses to “Return on Investment”

  1. Les Jones Says:

    My wife is totally uninterested in the lottery as long as they’re just playing scratchoffs. She’s waiting until the big payoffs start in a few months.

  2. mike hollihan Says:

    I’ve thrown a few dollars at the lottery, though I haven’t won SQUAT! yet; even though I opposed it. But I’m also hearing anger from local black talk radio and some of my coworkers that the payouts have been so few and so small. Not good PR.

  3. Brian A. Says:

    Apparently the lottery is sucking in Alabama money. So there’s something going for it.

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