Not comforting
If I understand this correctly, TiVo can tell what I replay. Exactly how much of my TV watching do they monitor?
That’s OK because it is still the greatest invention since Al Gore invented the Internet. But maybe some disclosure of that is in order.
February 4th, 2004 at 11:39 am
I don’t trust TiVo. Between this story and the earlier one about the guy whose TiVo thought he was gay, I think they’re going overboard. Except on skipping commercials; on that they go “underboard” by not allowing 30-second skips. I’m sticking with Dish DVR.
February 4th, 2004 at 12:32 pm
Along with Tivo changing the subscription rates and agreements on a regular basis, this is why I have decided to skip getting a Tivo and build something Open Source like a mythTV or FreeVo setup. Plus, I get to run my first linux application that actually does something useful to me.
February 4th, 2004 at 5:34 pm
According to TiVo’s privacy policy:
But they do collect what they call “Anonymous Viewing Information” — that is, it can’t be tracked to you. But you can opt out of this if you want.
I don’t mind the anonymous stuff, ’cause it makes you a little like a Nielson viewer. What you record and what you watch over again can influence programming and improve commercials.