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Million Dollar Idea

Wireless monitor. It’d have to be cheaper than a laptop and wifi setup. Of course, I am too late.

3 Responses to “Million Dollar Idea”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    The other problem is that most monitors are already remarkably susceptible to R/F interference. I’d hate to see what my cell phone ringing might do to a wireless monitor.

    I’m also betting that the Li-Ion battery pack is either heavy, short-lived, or both. I really don’t think there’s much market for something like this. Of course, that’s the sort of thing I’ve been consistently wrong about in my life (“CD-ROM? You can’t write to it! It will never take off!” — the Reader’s Digest version of an actual paper I turned in back in my college days), so take that for what little it’s worth.

  2. Les Jones Says:

    Now that I’ve got a laptop and 54g, I’ve got the monitor built-in, with wireless Internet. Now I need wireless electricity after about three hours.

    Wireless printing is within reach. It’s about $180 right now, but I’m waiting for it to come down.

  3. Les Jones Says:

    P.S. I bought a Microsoft Elite wireless keyboard and mouse. That’s working out pretty well, too.

    Not bragging. Laptops are cheap as hell these days. I paid about as much for this laptop as I paid to upgrade my first Mac from 20 to 40 MB of disk space and 2 to 4 MB of RAM. I sold a freakin’ Peugot mountain bike to finance that upgrade. Jeez.

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