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Assault Weapons Still Not An Issue

Despite the pleas of DiFi, congress is still reluctant to push for the renewal of the Assault Weapons Ban. Works for me.

Here’s an article on the new Assault Weapons ban. It has different requirements and is permanent. This bill needs to die:

Some of the provisions of the two bills include banning all semi-automatic shotguns, banning all detachable magazine semi-automatic rifles, requiring manufacturers to report the names of their dealers and dealers to report all guns and parts in stock. The bill would also outlaw all private gun and parts sales. The Clinton law specifically banned 19 firearms while the new law would ban 65.

Therefore, your Remington 1187 or Browning Auto 5 will be illegal. Please turn them in for destruction at the nearest police station or face federal felony charges

Your Mini 14 or even the ordinary .22 autoloader behind the seat of your pickup truck must be turned in for processing.

Gun shows would be a distant memory and the simple act of giving your favorite old pump shotgun to your grandson would be illegal unless the transfer was consummated at the local gun store. Hopefully the gun would never break because junior would be forced to purchase a federally licensed firing pin.

Forget owning any type of military weapon for collecting purposes. That old Japanese rifle that Uncle Jim brought home from the big war would be illegal. It has a bayonet lug, you know.

Remember, the banned weapons were picked out of magazines based on appearance. And everyone remembers this quote by DiFi:

“If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in. I would have done it.”

Update: It does occur to me that the ridiculousness of the bill mentioned may hinder it passing. That is good news. Unless it passes, of course, then it’s plain awful.

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