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No, you’re not alone

Bitter is not alone in her position on gun rights and voting. The Republicans don’t get it any more.

Update: Clayton Cramer starts being a Bush apologist with respect to guns.

I still hold that Bush will get the NRA endorsement, even though Bush is no friend to gun owners.

2 Responses to “No, you’re not alone”

  1. Andrew Says:

    In one respect, Uncle, he is — that is, his Supreme Court nominees are a damned site more likely to find a private ownership right in the text of the 2nd amendment than are any appointees from Kerry.

  2. Xrlq Says:

    “No friend to gun owners” my [symbol of the Democratic Party]. This is the guy who signed not one but two CCW laws in Texas, transforming what was once a felony into every law abiding Texan’s right. Much to the chagrin of the Democrats, he’s also the first in decades to appoint an AG who has the cojones to opine publicly that if there’s a First Amendment and a Third, there must be a Second lodged in there somewhere, as well.

    Baby steps, people.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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