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Oh My

Both parties are having a time. Disenchanted liberal meet disenchanted conservative.

2 Responses to “Oh My”

  1. Jane Says:

    Hell just froze over.

  2. Chris Says:

    Hello from a disenchanted person I meet my fellow disenchanted citizens all the time and I have come to believe our founding fathers almost wrote the perfect constitution and bill of rights they just forgot one thing free and fair elections we needed a amendment to the constitution that allows for this I believe we should be able to vote for whom ever we like as long as they are a american citizen and not a felon they should be able to run but our wonderful politicians have colluded to block that with ballot access laws so now this is not a country of we the people but a country of the wealthy and powerful ones who now control the political parties which in turn makes alot of folks say o well what difference does it make why should I vote and they dont vote they dont even read the news it just makes them angry I have followed politics for 20 years and it gets worse each year the democrats and republicans have had there chance we need a overhaul badly
    also the media needs to get there noses out wow do they ever try and influence opinions with the television.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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