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Just Ignorant?

You be the judge. John Erzen writes:

In 1994, Congress passed a bill banning the sale of all assault rifles and pistols, an effort which had been gaining momentum for over a decade. The bill targeted 19 weapons like the TEC-9 and the AK-47, fierce weapons that can fire multi rounds with just a squeeze of the trigger.

First, the bill never had real momentum. Gore had to vote it into law. Second, after the House found out the bill was based on lies, the House voted for its repeal. Third, the bill does not target fierce weapons that can fire multi rounds with just a squeeze of the trigger. Those were regulated by the 1934 NFA. The 1994 act only regulates semi-automatics, which fire one shot per pull of the trigger.

Erzen is either misleading or has fallen for the misconception the media spews about the ban.

In fact, let them know their mistake:

Prince George’s Sentinel (301) 306-9500

Update: A reader emails that he phoned the managing editor. The editor’s response was that a correction is forthcoming with respect to the confusion of automatic vs. semi-automatic.

Update2: Here is correspondence with the managing editor who will issue a correction.

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