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Kerry Scandal?

What’s with Drudge and intern sex any way? Drudge is reporting that Kerry had an affair with an intern.

A frantic behind-the-scenes drama is unfolding around Sen. John Kerry and his quest to lockup the Democratic nomination for president, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal.

Intrigue surrounds a woman who recently fled the country, reportedly at the prodding of Kerry, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

A serious investigation of the woman and the nature of her relationship with Sen. John Kerry has been underway at TIME magazine, ABC NEWS, the WASHINGTON POST, THE HILL and the ASSOCIATED PRESS, where the woman in question once worked.

A close friend of the woman first approached a reporter late last year claiming fantastic stories — stories that now threaten to turn the race for the presidency on its head!

In an off-the-record conversation with a dozen reporters earlier this week, General Wesley Clark plainly stated: “Kerry will implode over an intern issue.” [Three reporters in attendance confirm Clark made the startling comments.]

The Kerry commotion is why Howard Dean has turned increasingly aggressive against Kerry in recent days, and is the key reason why Dean reversed his decision not to drop out of the race after Wisconsin, top campaign sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.

Will this affect the nomination?

I doubt it. After Clinton penis scandals, I think the American public is really apathetic about sexual exploits. No matter how they played it up, voters were unconcerned with the Lewinsky deal in terms of Clinton’s popularity; it did, however, make some good tabloid news. Sorry for the vulgarity, but a little dick sucking isn’t a big deal.

Update: Good news for Edwards, I imagine.

Ricky shoots and scores!

7 Responses to “Kerry Scandal?”

  1. Xrlq Says:

    I dunno, this can’t be good for Kerry. All the [B]lewinsky scandal tells me is that it wasn’t bad enough to sink an incumbent. It was bad enough to sink a challenger, though. Gary Hart, anyone?

  2. Drake Says:

    I don’t think it is a big problem for rank and file Democrats. Provided that it is true…and who knows if it is, I would be more worried about Teresa Heinz-Kerry killing his philandering ass.

  3. tgirsch Says:


    Remember, though, that after the Lewinsky scandal hit, Clinton’s personal approval rating went down the toilet. It was his job approval rating that was unaffected. Essentially, the American people said “I don’t like this guy, but he’s doing a good job.” Quite the opposite of what people in general seem to think about Bush. 🙂

  4. Kevin Baker Says:

    The only approval rating Kerry’s going to care about is his wife’s. She holds the purse strings, literally.

    If true, yes, it’s going to severely affect his candidacy.

  5. Les Jones Says:

    Yeh, but do you believe Drudge. It isn’t like he was the guy who blew the lid off of Monicagate.

    Oh, wait. Yeh he was.

    Kerry’s in trouble.

  6. Justin Says:

    Remember, though, that after the Lewinsky scandal hit, Clinton’s personal approval rating went down the toilet. It was his job approval rating that was unaffected.

    Clinton was also a lame duck president not running for re-election. Good news for Edwards, bad news for John “very French looking” Kerry…

  7. Les Jones Says:

    Justin: did you know that John Kerry served in Vietnam? I just heard.

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