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Anyone know why this site is listed as the top referrer to my site even though I see no link? Or does anyone know how to find out why?

Update: removed link because I am instructed by Chris in my comments that I have been a victim of referrer spam.

7 Responses to “Odd”

  1. Chris Wage Says:

    Welcome to the wonderful world of referer spamming.

    Basically, in HTTP, any request to a webserver can include a header called HTTP_REFERER which includes the link of the referring page. The problem is that it’s completely arbitrary and completely spoofable.

    Some browsers, I have noticed, can be set to set the referer to an arbitrary URL if there isn’t a referring URL.

    The truly insidious manifestation, though, is spammers that actively spam your website with requests with forged referers.

    The idea, believe it or not, is that they are hoping that enough websites run statistics (like mine: and that they’ll get free publicity if they are a top referer.

    The infuriating thing is that there’s no easy way to stop it. These spammers often use distributed, compromised computers. There’s really no way to blacklist them, because each subsequent request comes on an IP in a completely different block.

    I did at one point write a script that watches for subsequent requests with the same (fake) referer and adds them to a blackhole in my firewall, but I haven’t set it up again since I rebuilt it.

  2. Jay Says:

    Didn’t somebody vault to the top NZ Bear’s Ecosystem doing that?

  3. SayUncle Says:

    I think NZ bears trouble with the ecosystem is that if someone enters an alt-host of http:// , it counts all blogs as linking to it. I could be wrong though.

  4. glenn Says:

    What was the domain? ( just makin’ sure it ain’t me ).

  5. SayUncle Says:

    it’s not a domain. It’s the http part:


    And nothing else.

    Go here:

    And look at Alt Host 1

  6. SayUncle Says:

    By the way glenn, are you a TN resident? The RTB is looking for ya.

  7. glenn Says:

    Yeah. I’m in Knoxville.

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