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Poodles were hunters

Apparently. But what did they hunt? Mice?

4 Responses to “Poodles were hunters”

  1. ronbailey Says:

    Waterfowl, bro. A buddy of mine has a poodle that I’d stack up against just about any retriever. She’s kind of big, but smart as a tack, and brave as they come.

  2. Ted Says:

    A dog is a dog is a dog. 🙂 My protective beast just happens to be shaped like a poodle – one of ’em anyway.

  3. tgirsch Says:


    Methinks when you hear “poodle,” you’re visualizing a toy poodle, which was bred down in size to be a companion dog. They’re popular in large part because they’re hypoallergenic, which means that people who are otherwise allergic to dogs can own poodles.

    A standard poodle is actually a decent size, and surprisingly it’s a water dog. The Germans apparently used them to retreive waterfowl.

  4. Justthisguy Says:

    I mind a time a saw a brace of Standard poodles, in the back of a SUV, in the parking lot of a shopping center near Jackson, Miss. The poodles had mud on them. There were shotguns in the vehicle.

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