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Change in policy

It has come to the attention of management that SayUncle’s frequent use of the word Liar is offensive, demeaning, and sometimes just plain old out of line. On occasion, speculation exists that the term is completely unwarranted. The source of contention seems to be that we should substitute One misleads based on manipulation of facts or perception. As such, we will refrain from using the offending word in the future. We also may use words and phrases like:

Mental midget non-giant

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Update: The term midget apparently offends, well, midgets. We have replaced the term with non-giant. Again, we regret the error.

3 Responses to “Change in policy”

  1. Drake Says:

    I am trying to make a verbal resurgence of the insults: Dolt, dullard, oaf, simpleton, and imbecile pronounced im-BEC-ile like Bugs Bunny used to say.

  2. tgirsch Says:

    Hopefully you’re not referring to me with this post. I objected not to your use of the term “liar,” but rather to your selective and partisan use of the term, and the lack of documentary evidence of the lies in question. If the “liar” shoe fits, by all means, use it.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Oh no, tom. It was actually because of a post where I called a reporter a liar. Then realized that he was just ignorant and genuinely made a mistake.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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