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It Starts

Oh boy. During the State of the Union, I dismissed Bush’s silly remarks regarding how steroid use is setting a bad example for kids as soccer mom appeasement. But no, they’re serious:

Four men charged with running a steroid-distribution ring were given until Friday to turn themselves in and make an initial court appearance. If not, warrants were to be issued for their arrest. The ring is accused of providing performance-enhancing drugs to dozens of athletes in the NFL, the major leagues and track and field.

The men accused of providing steroids to dozens of sports stars were meticulous. Federal prosecutors said the men gave their drugs code names, carefully worded e-mails to avoid detection and even provided athletes with cover stories if caught.

Said Ashcroft: We have not limited prosecution in this setting to those who are being prosecuted today.

Drugs continue to win the war on drugs.

2 Responses to “It Starts”

  1. Manish Says:

    We have not limited prosecution in this setting to those who are being prosecuted today

    The steroidists and those that harbor them.

  2. Argghhh!!! The Home of one of Jonah's Military Guys© Says:

    Now here is a home appliance I could go for!
    I’m sure that the Flea, Donnie, Matty, Eric, Harvey, the Barkeep. Les, Greyhawk, Mike, Kim, Misha, JDM, Jack, Chaos, the Commissar, Russ, Yer Uncle, Lefty, Jed and Owen, Blaster and others too numerous to list on a lunch break would…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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