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Monitoring Gun Purchases

This article addresses where criminals get guns:

Police said they’re seeing a trend of drug users renting out guns in exchange for drugs. Those who buy guns to rent or sell to convicted felons are called straw purchasers. According to the ATF, they account for 75 percent of the guns that get into the hands of criminals.

No mention of gun shows. However, this was disheartening:

Assistant police Chief Richard Mullen said, “If someone purchases nine guns on nine different times and doesn’t file a burglary report, and when we go to find what happened to those guns and he doesn’t know, well that sort of gives us an indication that the individuals (are) purchasing those guns to be used and sold to other individuals for probably criminal activity.”

So, if I collect guns and buy many of them, you’re plan is to visit me?

One Response to “Monitoring Gun Purchases”

  1. Kevin Baker Says:

    Err, yes. Go visit and see this thread. That appears to be what’s happening in this case.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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