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Who Am I?

Pop quiz.

Dunno who created it but it is pretty brutal.

9 Responses to “Who Am I?”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    Speaking of lies, “I never turn down [special interest] money” is a bald-faced lie. And “I voted to support the Patriot Act” is disingenous at best, since Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) was the only person to vote against it (a move which garnered tremendous respect from me, by the way), and lost of politicians on both sides of the aisle want it to go away.

    Also, I’m not aware that Kerry has ever referred to himself as a war hero, but with three purple hearts, he’s certainly entitled to. He’s also entitled to call soldiers who rape and murder war criminals, regardless of what uniform they wear. (This animation would have you believe that he called all of his fellow soldiers war criminals, when in fact he was only referring to the actual war criminals…)

    Voting against all of the tax cuts? Duh! That’s because he doesn’t get to pick and choose which cuts to pass and which to throw out. He has to vote for the bill as a whole, and he felt that the cons outweighed the pros. That means that he doesn’t support any tax cuts? Come on!

    So why exactly did you link this tripe? I expect better from you.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    So why exactly did you link this tripe?

    Because i find it funny and i don’t like kerry.

    I expect better from you.

    You should know better, haven’t you read the site? 🙂

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Oh, and to address your specific issues:

    War hero: he’s been playing it up.

    Calling others criminals: there is a group of vets opposed to kerry (who knew him) who found his behavior appalling. His actions were pretty horrendous in that he appeared to actually be supporting the other side.

    The patriot act: i personally think everyone who voted for it deserves to lose re-election. I excuse none of them.

    And he does vote against tax cuts.

    There is nothing blatantly false in the image except potentially the war criminal thing.

  4. arrogant "i keep my dick in my pants unlike john kerry" bastard Says:

    tgirsch reminds me of the 3 monkey’s…see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil…

    Just look at his voting record tgirsch…then come back here and bash Uncle for posting a link to “lies”…

  5. smijer Says:

    I don’t like Kerry either. Don’t get me wrong — I’ll suck it up and vote for him over Bush.. but I would have rather seen Wes, Dick, or Holy Joe stay in and Kerry drop out. I think is the weasel of weasels.

    That said, the evidence shows that he was much more principled as a young man. I probably would have had a lot more respect for him then.

    The animation is unfair… the war criminals thing is so much B.S. — and all the votes things do not take into account how Congress works. Sometimes you don’t get to vote “for” the tax cuts you favor – it’s “for” all or “against” all that is included in the final bill.

    A “yes” vote, may be a “yes” on some compromise that you managed to get inserted in a bill you could never have stopped. A “no” vote may be a “no” to the kitten killing clause of the bill, not a “no” to the fruit-baskets-for-old-ladies clause.

    The animation, unfair as it is, is a pretty strong ad. It’s one of many out there. That’s a pretty good taste of politics at this stage of a primary fight.

  6. Last Home Barry Says:

    Before anyone critizes a congressman’s voting record with blanket statements, you should first criticize the basic legislative process that allows tacking on needless and divisive clauses that have nothing to do with the bills themselves. When that practice ends, and all bills passed are clean versions of themselves, then you can criticize a politico’s voting records.

  7. tgirsch Says:

    War hero: he’s been playing it up.

    Show me two statements he has made actively playing it up, and I’ll concede that point. But that “I call myself a war hero” criticism has no teeth without the follow-up, the “but I call my fellow-vets war criminals” thing, and that’s obvious baloney. The only people he referred to as war criminals were, in fact, war criminals. Unless, of course, you can show otherwise (i.e., show me an example of someone he accused of war crimes but did not actually commit any).

    Calling others criminals: there is a group of vets opposed to kerry (who knew him) who found his behavior appalling.

    There’s also a group of vets who found his behavior to be admirable. What’s your point?

    His actions were pretty horrendous in that he appeared to actually be supporting the other side.

    In what way? And why are we only hearing about this now, 30 years and four senate races later?

    i personally think everyone who voted for it deserves to lose re-election. I excuse none of them.

    While I’d like to agree, I don’t really think that’s practical.

    And he does vote against tax cuts.

    I think you could probably say that about just about every elected official on both sides of the aisle. It’s an oversimplistic, blanket statement that completely ignores circumstances, and you know it.

    There is nothing blatantly false in the image except potentially the war criminal thing.

    There was nothing blatantly false about the “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” statement, either. 🙂 That doesn’t make it any less disingenuous.

  8. Argghhh!!! The Home of one of Jonah's Military Guys© Says:
    Say Uncle has an interesting political quiz. Owen at Boots and Sabers discusses loafs. Scott at AMCGLTD.COM has the dope on the famous picture of the fetal Samuel (who lives!) grabbing the hand of the doctor doing his surgery -…

  9. AlphaPatriot Says:

    Guess Who?
    I shamelessly stole this from SayUncle, who says he doesn’t know who created it (I assume he got it through email, thus won’t be too mad). But I just had to have it.Take the quiz: Who am I?…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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