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First, Scott McClellan said something dumb about outsourcing. Though what he said is arguably true, it’s not real smart to say during an election year.

I watched the footage of the comment and can say this, Ari Fleischer was better. McClellan seems fidgety whereas Ari, though a prick, was always in control. McClellan isn’t. I predict this to be the end of McClellan’s political career.

4 Responses to “Outsourcing”

  1. Chris Wage Says:

    The thing about Scott Mclellan is that he will never, EVER give a “yes” or a “no answer. At least Ari would suck it up and lie every once in a while.

    This guy is content to just go back and forth, evading a question from Helen for an hour. Tedious and infuriating.

  2. Brian A. Says:

    Perhaps I’m missing something, but this is the only quote I see from McClellan:

    “The president is strongly committed to creating jobs here at home. I think that’s reflected in the actions we have taken and the actions we’re calling on Congress to take in addition to that,” McClellan said. “Any job loss is regrettable.”

    I’m not sure what you’re taking issue with here. The “dumb” statement, if you will, was in the report.

    But to the larger issue, yes, McClellan doesn’t seem trustworthy to me. A significant part of my suscpicion that Bush is hiding something in his 1972 record comes from the way McClellan dances around simple questions about Bush’s record. He’s not shooting straight

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Oh. I had two stories opened and linked to the wrong one. He essentially said that jobs moving out of the country were good for the economy. Everyone collectively went Huh?

  4. tgirsch Says:

    He essentially said that jobs moving out of the country were good for the economy.

    Maybe the Libertarians are gaining some footholds, after all! *ducks*

    You’re right about Fleischer, though: not only was a class-A prick, he also had the gift of never, ever, EVER answering a direct question. He could fill up a 30-minute press conference without answering a single question.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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