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No word on what the definition of is is

The woman Kerry is alleged to have had an affair with is denying the allegations. The AP reports:

A woman who has been the subject of rumors linking her to Sen. John Kerry denied Monday that she ever had an affair with the Democratic presidential candidate.

Breaking her silence four days after the allegations surfaced on the Internet, Alexandra Polier issued a statement to The Associated Press, saying, “I have never had a relationship with Senator Kerry, and the rumors in the press are completely false.”

7 Responses to “No word on what the definition of is is”

  1. Justin Says:

    interesting to note that most major networks/newsoutlets are holding back for further “proof” before reporting “it”…kind of like they did with the W “awol” story eh? (sarcasm)

  2. tgirsch Says:

    On the AWOL story, they had quite a bit of documentation and corroboration (in the form of military records, base reports, and eyewitness [nonwitness?] testimony) to go on. On this story, they had Matt Drudge’s word. If you can’t see that those two things are unequal, then I feel sorry for your critical thinking skills.

    Of course, it’s entirely possible that this intern is lying (even if we have no reason to believe that’s the case), and I’m sure that’s the angle the Right is going to run with.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    I’m sure that’s the angle the Right is going to run with.

    Rather like the left and the awol witnesses?

  4. tgirsch Says:

    Rather like the left and the awol witnesses?

    Rather like that, yes. Except that in the AWOL case, the stories of the witnesses don’t all jive, so somebody has to be lying (or, at least, mistaken).

  5. Indigo Says:

    Anyone who knows very much about the military (and that would not be I, BTW) should have known that AWOL is not an option in the Guard. It just doesn’t happen (according to posts from military people) because there is no such category in the Guard. Baldilocks has explained this in great detail, at least twice, so even the dumbest of us could get it. And that’s when I understood it! Other bloggers have confirmed her statement.

  6. tgirsch Says:


    Maybe there is no technical “AWOL” status when you’re in guard duty, but during the draft era, failure to report to a guard post for an extended period would typically result in being switched to active duty.

    It might be that Bush never was absent for the extensive periods of which he’s been accused, but I don’t think there’s any doubt that his service record was less than stellar. It’s pretty clear that he did at most the minimum needed to get by.

  7. Lean Left Says:

    Kerry Affair Rumors Bogus
    The Palm Beach Post is reporting that Alexandra Polier, the woman with whom John Kerry is rumored to have had…

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