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Just to see if I can start an infectious list

There have been many movie lists, song lists, and album lists that have rocketed across the blogosphere. I’ve decided I’d try to start one. Here goes my submission.

Top five (err, OK 6) songs that suck but you know you like them anyway:

Herbie Hancock – Rockit. I blame Herbie and this song for the creation of that pox on music known as techno. But this song ruled.

Biz Markee – Just a Friend: Who messed up and told him he could sing? Still, you can dance to it and if you sing it in a group of people, they are guaranteed to chime in.

Green Jelloy – Three Little Pigs: Pretty bad tune but it made everyone laugh. Also, that last drum fill before the last chorus rocks.

Alanis Morissette – You oughta know: Decades of pent-up frustration from a former You Can’t Do That on Television star. Angered women; made men scared. Bonus: Flea played bass on the demo version.

Young MC – Bust a move: Speaking of Flea, he played bass on this one too. And everyone has played the drinking game where you do a swig of beer for each oh and yeah.

Lee Greenwood – God Bless the USA: Hokey, campy, just plain not good. But folks get misty-eyed when they hear it. Despite public perception, this is actually not the national anthem.

Update: Ok, 7ish: anything by AC<lightningbolt>DC.

6 Responses to “Just to see if I can start an infectious list”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    You had me until you hit Lee Greenwood. No, that song isn’t awful in a good way, it’s awful in a VERY BAD way. In part because it reinforces the negative stereotypes I already harbor concerning country music fans.

  2. Drake Says:

    Let me add ‘Voices Carry’ by Til Tuesday.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    I dig Voices Carry!

    Oh, and Tom:

    I only hear that greenwood tune every other year (I seem to go the labor day fireworks show every other year for some reason). They always conclude with that song. I don’t like the tune myself, but a lot of folks in the crowd really get into it.

  4. Drake Says:

    He also sings it once per year at a UT game. I can hear his voice cracking while pouring a whiskey in the bathroom at halftime.

  5. Anthony Alford Says:

    Love that Flea bassline on “Bust a Move.”

  6. tgirsch Says:


    A lot of folks really get into Who Let The Dogs Out, too, but that doesn’t mean it belongs on the list. 🙂

    By the way, I’m somewhat ashamed to admit that I actually purchased The Diabolical Biz Markie on CD to get “Just a Friend.” The rest of the CD is far, far worse than that song.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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