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How about special rights for everyone?

A bill introduced in the House is being offered to Allow War Veterans and Heirs to Legally Register War Trophies:

U.S. Congressman Jim Gibbons (R-Nev.) today reintroduced the Veterans’ Heritage Firearms Act which will permit veterans and their heirs to register war-era trophy firearms that the U.S. military had allowed them to take home after their tour of duty. The legislation has bipartisan support with over 50 original cosponsors, including House Armed Services Committee Chairman Duncan Hunter (R-CA) and Ranking Member of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Veterans Affairs, Alan Mollohan (D-WV).

“Innocent veterans who possess war relic firearms are in jeopardy of being unjustly convicted of serious felonies,” stated Gibbons. “These veterans fought to secure freedom and preserve our national security. When our servicemen returned home from battle, they focused on reuniting with their family, securing an education, and building a home– not on wading through the burdensome bureaucracy associated with registering a firearm.”

The bill extends amnesty to those who served through 1968. Why can’t our boys overseas bring home some souvenir AK47s? Why can’t anyone own a machine gun made after 1986? Why does someone have to spend $12K on a gun that retails new for $1K? How about amnesty for the population of law abiding citizens?

Update: I’m still angry. How about amnesty for: Hale DeMar, Mark Lancaster, anyone who wants to put a pistol grip on their Springfield M1, people who possess tube fed .22 LRs in New Jersey, handgun owners in DC, people who want to put regular capacity magazines in their guns without paying too much, otherwise law-abiding citizens who have violated some arbitrary standard set forth by some bureaucratic shill at some government agency, etc.

2 Responses to “How about special rights for everyone?”

  1. Manish Says:

    well, that’s easy:
    1)They wouldn’t be “special rights” if everyone had them.
    2)You can’t say that you “support our veterans” if you broaden gun rights for everyone. Broadening gun rights for everyone is called “pandering to the gun lobby”

    How about amnesty for the population of law abiding citizens?

    Law-abiding citizens don’t need an amnesty. If they did, they wouldn’t be law abiding citizens.

    I’m just being a smartass if it isn’t painfully obvious

  2. Fûz Says:

    One word: incrementalism.

    Those bastards didn’t get what they wanted overnight, and we won’t get our rights back overnight either.

    Let Aunt Minerva keep late Uncle Horace’s souvenir MP44, and maybe we can turn the trend on allowing Gunny Patrick to bring his new AK trophy home, and Publicola can get his $50 Sten.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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