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I love it

A town in Maine wants to dissolve itself for tax breaks:

“They’ve got absolutely nothing. They don’t have any fire department. They don’t have a police department. No water department. No sewer department. There’s nothing,” said Rep. Jim Annis of neighboring Dover-Foxcroft, who wrote the bill proposing the town’s deorganization.

Roughly half of the state belongs to unorganized territory, bringing an estimated 22,000 accounts when property tax is assessed each year.


The last time a town dissolved in Maine was in 2001, when Madrid, population 180, won lawmakers’ permission. Centerville, population 25, in Washington County will do so this year. And officials said inquiries have come from other towns, including Cooper in Washington County, in light of Atkinson’s push.

One Response to “I love it”

  1. John A. Kalb Says:

    Maaaa-drid (that’s how Mainers pronounce it) dissolved?

    Weird. There are still road signs that point to it.

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