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Ugh! Did I mention I hate baseball?

Yes, I did.

It’s getting to be baseball season apparently. The only reason I know is that blogs that I like to read are covering it. How long is baseball season? Like 11.5 months? Blah!

Hope it ends soon so these guys can start talking about important and entertaining stuff.

7 Responses to “Ugh! Did I mention I hate baseball?”

  1. Dave Says:

    Yeah, I agree… how can blogs cover this tripe?

    Ummm… wait. It appears that I am covering it also.

    Never mind.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Et tu, dave?

  3. Justin Says:

    Hell, hockey is around for almost 363 days a year…a mere day less than baseball…or is it the NBA…I’m so confused…

  4. SayUncle Says:

    Yeah, but hockey and basketball are entertaining to watch. Baseball is 8 hours of men scratching themselves with about 4 minutes of actual gameplay.

  5. tgirsch Says:

    [B]asketball [is] entertaining to watch.

    Spoken like someone who has never attempted to endure a pro hoops game. College basketball is entertaining, NBA basketball is just painful.

    And baseball is only entertaining to watch in person. I would agree that there are too many games and that they tend to run too long.

  6. Brian A. Says:

    Baseball already? I was hoping it was just that Rodriguez trade.

  7. ireallyhatebaseball Says:

    Ihatebaseball,it is soo long, too many innings, like 160 games, only fun to be at the park. there i only like the food and fans, not the game.]
    it is too long, and they have too much contrversy with no salary cap, and steroids

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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