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Easy to run on your record when you don’t have one

On John Kerry:

On the campaign trail, he claims he is for fiscal responsibility, but voted for the 1993 tax increase, the largest in history. He also voted against a balanced budget amendment at least five times. In April 2002 on CNN’s “Crossfire” he said that if the most recent tax cut aided economic growth he would see no reason to repeal it.

But despite the fact that the economy has grown — faster rates than in almost 10 years — he flip-flopped to pander to Democratic primary voters. Now he wants to repeal the exact same tax cut.

His website claims that he will fight for “affordable healthcare for every American.” This is a noble calling, considering he has reneged on his responsibility to the American people to make his obligatory votes as a U.S. senator. As of late November, he had missed nearly 300 votes, with at least 21 pertaining to healthcare.

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