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When you hit the horn, it goes Moo!

Via Gunner comes this story:

A farmer who left two dead cows by the side of the road for rubbish collection got a nasty surprise from local police.

Authorities in Rutherford county deemed the dead livestock as “unattended vehicles” and issued them with the tickets.

The justification for this: The local sheriff’s department said they thought the cows were asleep.

Live cows are vehicles? Dead ones must be litter.

2 Responses to “When you hit the horn, it goes Moo!”

  1. BSTommy Says:

    We’re using the Blazing Saddles argument here…Mongo rides a cow, so they’re vehicles.

    There are pictures of me as a toddler riding on the back of the neighbor’s St. Benard.

    So they, too, are also vehicles.

  2. gunner Says:

    Mooooo’ve out of the way. I’m coming through.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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