The Boobs are Back
Jeff has the boob image back and his weekly round up of gun bias. It deals with the Gun Bill.
One other thing, it seems other folks on the pro gun side are taking issue with various criticism that the NRA may have struck a deal to not oppose some anti-gun measures in exchange for the immunity bill. The email exchanges (of which I am on the mailing list) are comparing such criticisms to chicken little conspiracy theorists. I hope there is nothing to the NRA sell out rumors and have stated if they stop the assault weapons ban, I’ll join for life.
Why, then, has the NRA issued a letter denying such intents only after the allegations surfaced? They could have addressed the AWB and the gun show upfront.
And let’s not forget that the NRA could have killed the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban. They rolled over and played dead because the wanted the National Instant Check System and the Brady Bill (which they co-authored) more.
They also supported the 1934 and 1968 gun control bills. In 1968, they wanted to end mail order so that US gun companies could make more money. So, if it looks and quacks like a duck, you call it a duck.
I think the internet rumors actually spurned the NRA to openly address the issue. I don’t buy that the anti-gun bills will necessarily be killed in the house. Regardless, it is unnecessary to even allow the bills through.
As always, I hope for the best but expect the worst.