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Assault Weapons Ban Version 2.0

Apparently, the anti-gunners feel the recent gun bill defeat was a good thing. As such, they are preparing a newer, stronger ban:

The Washington-based Violence Policy Center accuses the gun industry of “willfully circumventing federal law” by modifying a new generation of weapons and renaming them ‘post-ban’ or ‘after-ban’ assault weapons.

Such weapons are perfectly legal under the so-called “assault weapons” ban. But the Violence Policy Center accuses the gun industry of evading the intent of Congress by “making minor cosmetic changes and producing ‘clones’ and ‘knock-off’ versions to continue to sell for profit at the expense of public safety.”

The group singled out six Illinois gunmakers that manufacture “post-ban assault weapons.” It said a new study shows that Illinois has more “post-ban” assault weapon manufacturers than any other state.

Even if the U.S. Senate had passed an extension of the semi-automatic weapons ban, “the extension would do nothing to curtail Illinois unique distinction of being number one in manufacturing these deadly assault weapons,” said Thom Mannard, executive director of the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence.

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence says renewing the assault weapons ban will be its highest priority for the coming months.

Pay attention, it’s coming.

One Response to “Assault Weapons Ban Version 2.0”

  1. Phelps Says:

    At the risk of quoting Jaques Strap, I think they are missing a great opportunity to shut up. The best thing they could do would be to lay low until AFTER the election. In 2000, everything Clinton touched turned to crap. I think that the Brady Center and VPC will be the same this year. 90-8 yesterday tells it all.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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